vendredi 2 janvier 2015

QGIS - Merge same long lat points with different data into a unique one

I have a layer where there is more than 1 feature for a same object. Imagine i have a layer called signals. There can be up to 10 features in the same place (long/lat) for a unique signal but the features can have different fields or not. I want to traspose (ms access term) those fields from vertical to horizontal (1 unique row). Is this possible in QGIS?

Imagine the following geographic features:

Feature 1
Long Lat Field1 Field2 Field3
x y a b c

Feature 2
Long Lat Field1 Field2 Field3
x y a b d

What i need is to obtain:

Long Lat Field1 Field2 Field3_1 Field3_2
x y a b c d

Is this posiible in QGIS?

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