mercredi 25 février 2015

Horton Stream Order as Category for r.fixed.segmetpoints with GRASS?

I'm working with Grass GIS. I want to use v.segment to set discrete, equidistant Streampoints (starting from each mouth). Since the water network is too large, it is impossible to define the rules manually. For this purpose, the module v.fixed.segmentpoints should be suitable. The problem is that only one category can be selected.

My previouse steps:

  1. r.watershed to calculate Streams (rast)

  2. r.thin

  3. to convert rast to vect.

However, the module assigns each line element to a new category. That´s why I need a single line (for each Streamorder?).

I tried to order the streams with [(Horton) -> 5 different Channel categories]. Then set the points along the mainorder (5), then starting from the mouth for the subordinate (4), starting from the mouth for the next subordinate (3) etc... So I tried to set each order to one category and use them as input for v.fixed.segmentpoints. However, it does not work. So I want to know if this approach is right or whether there is another. To make clear what I want, I show an Image:


Can anyone tell me how I can realize that?

At the moment the main problem is that v.segment wont work with rules.

WARNING: Can´t reach point on line: cat = 14 offset = 20.000000 (Line length = 0.00765302031102308) P 2 14 20 . . 5 points read from input 1 point written to output map (4 lost)

Only the first Point is created because it says the line is only 0.00765302031102308 long. But it's about 800 meters long. When I check g.proj -p it says:

-PROJ_UNITS-------------------- unit : degree units : degrees meters : 1.0

Can someone tell me what is my fault?

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