mercredi 25 février 2015

QGIS moving the layer/all features using Vector Affine Transformation

I'm using QGIS to analyse some flight tracks which were produced using a different software. Now when they are on QGIS the reference point of everything is on 0,0 which is the aerodrome reference point.

But in real world this aerodrome reference point is a value in Easting and Northing. i.e. Easting=286499.025 Northing=6230965.204, so the everything else (runway ends, tracks points should be exactly as they are in the real world)

I did some research and found the Vetor Affine Transformation plugin. Now using this how can I move everything to the reference point of Easting=286499.025 Northing=6230965.204 Easting = X and Northing = Y.

I'm having trouble understanding the plugin's matrix.

any help is appreciated.

Thanks a lot


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