dimanche 1 mars 2015

Automation of changing symbology for a given layer

I have a shape file that is a 10-by-10 grid of squares. The shape file has 50 attribute columns (named p_1 through p_50) where each column has 100 entries (corresponding to the 100 grid squares) and each entry is one of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

In order to visualize p_1, I navigate to Layer Properties, click on the Symbology tab, and click on 'Unique values' which is listed under Categories. I then select 'p_1' from the Value Field, click the 'Add All Values' button, and click the 'Apply' button. This results in a grid where each square has a color based on the number corresponding to the grid square in the p_1 column of the shape file attribute table. I then use the Export Map feature to save the colored grid as a png.

However, because there 50 columns corresponding to 50 different plans, I would like to automate this process. Is automation of this process possible? If so, how?

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