mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Georeferencing PNG with transparency via gdal produce "green pixels" in QGIS?

This is just intriguing while not blocking my way, but I wonder what is going on and would like to get feedbacks from more experienced users.

1) Given a png files (1.1MB) such :

enter image description here

2) I restore georeferencing using :

gdal_translate -a_ullr 67.0 37.5 99.0 27.0 -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ALPHA=YES ./trans.png ./trans.gis.tif

3) The output (1.6MB) is :

enter image description here

4) Loading it in Quantum GIS, it get well positionned (georeferencing works!), but the image is ill colored with the darkest areas (and only them!) becoming green :

enter image description here

Is this green artifact normal ? How to fix it (so I may see the expected black pixels) ?

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