mercredi 31 décembre 2014

How to create postgresql triggers to calculate geometry from x,y and vice versa at the same time

I have a postgis table with point geometry which looks like this

gid serial NOT NULL,
coordid integer,
geom geometry(Point,4326)

And a table with coordinates like this

coordid serial NOT NULL,
x numeric(10,4),
y numeric(10,4)

I want to create several triggers, that update or insert mypoints.geom value with MakePoint(mycoords.x, mycoords.y) function, taking values from joined mycoords table, and at the same time vice versa - when mypoints.geom is updated or inserted, correlated mycoords.x and mycoords.y values should be calculated with ST_X(mypoints.geom) and ST_Y(mypoints.geom) respectively.

How can I do that?

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