I have a question about arcpy. I want to create a polygon FeatureClass with attributes. The code below is just test-code that generates some polygons for speed testing. I want to add some additional attributes like ID (integer) and Material-Type (string) to each polygon. I know that this is possible with the insert.cursor function. But I want to do it with the CopyFeatures function, because this is faster (I have to generate some 100'000 thousand's polygon).
import arcpy
import time
# Variablen definieren
workspace = "E:/GeschiebeGIS/Python/Sandkasten/CreatePolygon"
shapeCursor = "polygonCursor.shp"
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(4149) # Spatial reference GCS_CH1903
# Zeitmessung starten
startTime = time.clock()
# shape Datei löschen
# shape Datei erstellen
#arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(workspace, shapeCursor, "POLYGON", "", "DISABLED", "DISABLED")
# feature List erstellen
featureList = []
# leeres Array erstellen
array = arcpy.Array()
# 100 Testpolygone erstellen
for c1 in range (0, 100):
point1 = arcpy.Point(c1,c1)
point2 = arcpy.Point(c1+1,c1)
point3 = arcpy.Point(c1+1,c1+1)
point4 = arcpy.Point(c1,c1+1)
point5 = arcpy.Point(c1,c1)
polygon = arcpy.Polygon(array)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(featureList, workspace+"/"+shapeCursor)
print "Fettich"
print time.clock() - startTime, "seconds"
is it possible to add the attributes to the polygon object in the For loop?
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